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Ausstellung 01. August - 14. September 2024

Humans can endure the truth.

Ingeborg Bachmann

Petra Traxler-Pilgram uses her art to expose stereotypes and prejudices. Her works invite us to look behind the façade and recognize often uncomfortable truths. Using minimalist means, she conveys complex messages and takes the viewer on a journey of self-reflection.

UNVANISHED - an exhibition that lifts the veil of concealment and reveals the unvarnished face of reality. Created between 2018 and 2024, Petra Traxler-Pilgram's works show an uncompromising examination of the pressing issues and conflicts of our time.

The exhibition focuses on works such as Teuflisches Schattenspiel, Wendung and Monsterblick, which unabashedly address taboos and force the viewer to look where they would otherwise look away. Known for her black and white paintings and multi-layered collages, she bluntly addresses social grievances and taboo subjects. Her works are characterized by clear lines and powerful imagery that captivates the viewer and makes them think. Using acrylic on canvas, Aludibond, collages, ink on paper and art prints, she creates a visual diversity that nevertheless carries a clear message: The truth may be painful, but it must be told.

Traxler-Pilgram, known for her multi-layered and moving figures, also relies on clear, powerful imagery in this exhibition. Her works are characterized by intense lines and narrative depth, forcing the viewer into a dialogue with the work. Figures in motion, both physically and emotionally, dominate the space and offer scope for interpretation.

"Don't teach, don't learn - let it grow from its own roots." This quote from Franz Čižek, the pioneer of Viennese Kinetism, reflects Traxler-Pilgram's philosophy. Her art grows from deep, personal and social roots, is sometimes raw, always direct and blunt.

The exhibition explores the ambivalence of human nature: the bright sides of compassion and love as well as the dark sides of abuse and violence. Textual interventions accompany the mostly black-and-white LineART. Speech bubbles and multiple titles give rise to a variety of associations. The mental cinema of each viewer creates subjective realities.

Using a mixture of different media and techniques, Traxler-Pilgram creates an intense, often harrowing atmosphere. The works are multidimensional and invite the viewer to look deeper, penetrate layers and find their own interpretations. Each work tells a story, each line, each textual intervention deepens the meaning.

The exhibition UNVERBLÜMT is a challenge to the senses and the mind. It invites the viewer to confront the unpleasant truths that are often concealed in our society. Traxler-Pilgram succeeds in expressing the unspeakable and making the invisible visible. It is art that moves and changes.

UNVANISHED: An exhibition about uncovering truths.

Vernissage Unverblümt 6 pm

Register for the vernissage


BURN-IN invites you to the exhibition opening on 08. August 2024 6 pm.


BURN-IN Galerie im Gerngross 2. OG | 1070 Vienna, Mariahilfer Straße 42-48


Puzzlespiel oder auf der Suche nach dem fehlenden Teil
Puzzlespiel oder auf der Suche nach dem fehlenden Teil

Petra Traxler-Pilgram Österreich
Paintings 100 x 120 cm

€ 1.300


Reasonable Truths

With the exhibition UNVARNISHED we are entering a path of shocking revelation. Petra Traxler-Pilgram leads us into the deep abysses of the abuse of power, illuminated by her powerful LineART. After the profound BURN-IN exhibitions SO OR SO? (2018) and STOP.THINK.MOVE. (2020), we are now venturing into the brutal realities of political, sexual and child abuse. This exhibition demands that we have the courage to look and recognize the uncomfortable truths.

Traxler-Pilgram's central works show us the torments and passions of those affected. Her detailed, complex images reveal the multi-layered plight of the victims and raise urgent questions: How do we help those who are suffering? How do we confront the perpetrators who could themselves be victims? With her art form, the artist, philosopher and historian lends these questions a haunting voice.

In her blunt depiction, Traxler-Pilgram lends truth a new form of transparency. Her works are a mirror of human nature, both in its darkness and in its irritability. This exhibition forces us to reflect and possibly even to act. It invites us to leave our comfort zone and confront the realities of the abuse of power.


Through her powerful art form, Petra Traxler-Pilgram conveys not only the urgency of the issue, but also the need to look and act. Her works are a call for empathy and commitment, an invitation to bluntly accept the truth and actively take responsibility. 


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Exhibited artworks


artist info

Muse statt Muss

Muse statt Muss

Petra Traxler-Pilgram

Petra Traxler-Pilgram, born in Villach in 1966, began her artistic career after studying philosophy, psychology and history in Vienna (1986-1993). She deepened her artistic training through numerous courses in painting and graphics with academic artists. She has been working as a freelance artist since 2017 and opened her own studio, PTP. Traxler-Pilgram lives and works in Lower Austria, Vienna and Carinthia.

Her works are characterized by a striking black and white painting that delves deep into the world of thought and evokes colorful associations. She creates spaces for individual mind games by linking philosophy and art, image and word, feeling and understanding, lightness and heaviness as well as seriousness and humor. The journalist Sigrid Leitner aptly describes her work: "She exposes, plays with contrasts, allusions and interpretations. She creates types and stereotypes, which she captures in typical postures on the picture surface to form networks of relationships. She creates symbols and uncovers role-playing games and rituals."

As a member of IG Bildende Kunst and the Professional Association of Austrian Visual Artists, Petra Traxler-Pilgram has set significant regional and national accents. Her works are more than just visual representations - they are profound, intellectual dialogs that challenge the viewer and provoke thought.